Image: Apolo Bautista

Sisa Quispe is a Quechua Aymara award-winning director, writer, producer, and speaker in New York City. As an indigenous woman, her work largely seeks to inspire the preservation of native ways while sharing a decolonizing message.

She is one of the winners of the 5th Annual Student Short Film Showcase by The Gotham Film & Media Institute in partnership with Focus Features and JetBlue with her Short film “Urpi: Her Last Wish,” which Quispe wrote, produced, and directed. It explores the complexity of the Indigenous identity and premiered at the 41st Edition at the Oscar-qualifying Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival, won best short by an Indigenous Filmmaker at the Santa Fe International Film Festival in 2023, and is an official selection at the 30th Edition at the Oscar-qualifying Slamdance Film Festival in Utah.

Her popular TEDx talk, "Re-thinking Who We Are Through A Decolonizing Lens," shares her decolonization journey. As host of the Instagram series “Native Voices,” Quispe interviewed Indigenous people throughout Abya Yala/Turtle Island. She also produced “Vive el Quechua” (“Living Quechua”), an episodic YouTube series preserving and sharing her Indigenous language and culture. 

Sisa hopes to bring more representation of indigenous women's perspectives to the screen and hopes to continue cultivating a path for indigenous youth to develop their voices.